Terms + Conditions



limitations of nutritional therapy

Nutritional Therapy advice is not a substitute for professional medical advice and/or treatment and clients are responsible for contacting their GP about any health concerns.

Nutritional advice will be tailored to support medically established, diagnosed conditions and/or health concerns identified and agreed between the Nutritional Therapist and client. Nutritional Therapists are not permitted to diagnose, or claim to treat, medical conditions.

You should understand that responses to Nutritional Therapy may vary between clients with similar health problems and following a similar Nutritional Therapy programme.

informing your healthcare team

If you are receiving treatment from your GP, other medical provider or complementary therapist, you should advise them of any nutritional strategy provided by the nutritional therapist. This is necessary in case of any possible reaction between medication and the nutritional programme.

questions arising after a consultation

You should contact the nutritional therapist if unclear about any areas of the agreed nutritional programme including supplementation and timeframes and if you wish to continue a dietary supplement or programme longer than the specified period.

You are advised to report any concern about nutritional therapy promptly to the nutritional therapist for discussion and action.


Your medications

You must inform the nutritional therapist of any medical diagnosis, medication, herbal medicine or food supplements they are taking as this may affect the nutritional programme.

Terms of Engagement

You will be asked to sign our official Terms of Engagement before your first consultation. Download a copy now here and read carefully. Your nutritional therapist will go through it with you in the first session of your work together. Please talk with them if there is anything you would like clarified before signing the contract.


privacy and Confidentiality

Information about you disclosed during consultations or in the pre-consultation forms will be kept confidential.  There are however, some limits and exceptions to confidentiality, which your nutritional therapist will talk through with you.

If your therapist has serious concerns about your safety, or the safety of another person normal confidentiality may be lifted. You will be asked to provide your GP’s contact details, as someone they may contact in these circumstances.

Please also see our Privacy Notice


We request that you give 48 hours’ notice of cancellation. Late cancellations of appointments will incur a £12 cancellation fee. Less than 48 hours’ notice of cancellation of a program may incur up to a 100% cancellation fee depending on the work already done.




Payment can be made by cash, PayPal or bank transfer.


Payment for the package consultations must be made in full before or at the time of the first consultation.


Refunds for programs are only possible if 48 hours’ notice is given.


Your nutritional therapist may recommend/provide food supplements and/or functional testing as part of your programme and may receive a commission on these products or services.